Introduction of JAVA
- History and Introduction of JAVA Language
- Disadvantages of Procedure Oriented Languages
- Need for Object Oriented Language
- Differences between Platform Dependent and Platform Independent
- Major hands behind the concept of Platform Independency
- In detail discussion on Java evolution
- Java Editions, JDK versions and Language changes
- Brief discussion of available editions (J2SE, JEE, JME and Java Card)
- In detail of JDK versions (1.0 to 12), their code names and released dates
- Major language changes in Java versions 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12
JAVA Class Structure
- Java class structure and basic console programs
- Industry standard structure of a Java Program
- Constructors and types of constructors (default & parameterized)
- Methods declaration, difference between a method and a constructor
- Types of methods (with & without parameters, Overloaded methods)
- Standard programs on above concepts
JAVA Packages
- Disadvantages of placing java classes in a folder
- Difference between a package and a folder
- Discussion about how predefined java classes are available
- Creating a user defined Java Package
- Program for creating, compiling and running a class in a package
- Setting class path for packages and accessing them in another class
- Two control Statements
Data Types, Variables and Arrays
- The Primitive Types
- Integers, Floating-Point Types, Characters, Booleans
- Variables
- Type Conversion and Casting
- Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
- Arrays
- Why Arrays?
- Advantages of Arrays
- Types of Arrays (Single Dimensional and Two Dimensional/Jagged Arrays)
- Methods of Declaring and initializing Arrays
- Usage of for each loop (Enhanced for loop)
- Programs on Arrays
Operators and Control Statements
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- The Bitwise Operators
- Relational Operators
- Boolean Logical Operators
- Control Statements
- Java’s Selection Statements (If and switch)
- Iteration Statements
- Jump Statements
Features of Java and OOP concepts
- Features of Java and OOP concepts
- Simple, Platform Independent, Oriented-Object, Robust, High Performance, Multi-Threaded, Dynamically linked, Garbage Collected and Distributed
- Principles of OOP Language
Object- Oriented Programming Concepts of Abstraction, Encapsulation and Polymorphism
- Abstraction,
- Encapsulation,
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Single level inheritances
- Multi Level inheritances
- Multiple
- Hierarchical
- Hybrid
Object- Oriented Programming Programs
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism
Exception Handling
- Exception Handling
- Discussion about what if any invalid logic or errors occur in a java program
- Discussion about Error and types of Errors (Syntactical and Logical)
- Exception-Handling Fundamentals
- In detail explanation of Exception and what happens if an Exception occurs
- Handling Exceptions using (try, catch, finally, throw & throws)
Types of Exceptions (Checked and Unchecked)
- Java’s Built-in Exceptions
- Creating user defined Exception class
- Relevant programs on above concepts
- Drawbacks in Arrays and Introduction to Collection Framework in JAVA
- Drawbacks in Arrays
- Introduction to Collection Framework
- Difference between Arrays and Collection Framework
- In detail discussion about interfaces and classes
- Set, List, Map Interfaces and implemented Classes like HashSet, LinkedHashSet, Stack, Linked List, Vector, Hash Map, Hash Table
Working with Util package in java.
- Working with the Enumeration, Iterator and ListIterator interfaces to retrieve the collection elements
- Retrieving values using Enhanced for-loop
- Programs on above all concepts
Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata)
- Enumeration Fundamentals
- Autoboxing
- Annotations (Metadata)
- Introduction to package and important classes in the package
- File
- In detail of class and all the methods in it
- Creating files and directories using class
IO Streams
- IO Streams
- Introduction to IO Streams and need of IO streams
- Types of IO Streams (Byte oriented and Character oriented) and differences
- Working with Byte oriented classes (FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedInputStream, ObjectInputStream etc…)
Working with Character oriented classes
- Working with Character oriented classes (FileReader, FileWriter, CharArrayReader, CharArrayWriter, PushbackReader, etc…)
- Working with RandomAccessFile class
- Programs on above concepts
- Using Stream I/O Improving wc( ) Using a StreamTokenizer
- Serialization, Serializable, Externalizable
- Stream Benefits
The Applet Class (AWT)
- Types of Applications
- In detail explanation of Console, GUI and WEB Applications
- Limitations of Console Applications
- Introduction to AWT
- Brief discussion on AWT, java.awt package and available classes
- Applet Architecture
- Discussion about all Containers and Components in AWT
- A basic AWT program to create a frame and adding some components
- The HTML Applet Tag
- Passing Parameters to Applets
Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text
- Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text
- The Audio Clip Interface
- Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus
- Limitations of AWT (Explanation of how AWT components are created internally)
- Swings
- AWT and Swings Comparison and Why we use Swings rather than AWT
- Swings Components hierarchy
- The Origins of Swing
- Swing Is Built on the AWT
- Two Key Swing Features
- The Swing Packages
- Components and Containers
Exploring Swing
- Introduction
- Images in swing, Image Fundamentals: Creating, Loading, and Displaying
- Additional components included in Swings compared to AWT.
- Designing desktop applications by using Swings and AWT.
Swings and Events.
- Actions and Events in Swings
- Brief explanation of Action and Event
- Internal process when an Action is performed
- Available Events (ActionEvent, KeyEvent, MouseEvent etc…) and Event handling model.
- Discussion about all the Listener interfaces (ActionListener, WindowListener, MouseMotionListener etc) and how to implement them in Swings applications
Event Handling and Adapter classes
- Event Handling
- Event Handling for various components in Swings
- Event Handling methods (implementing Listener interfaces and by extending Adapter classes)
- Programs on Event handling by implementing component related listener interfaces
- Adapter classes
- Introduction to Adapter classes and advantages over Listener interfaces
- In detail explanation of available Adapter classes (WindowAdapter, MouseAdapter, KeyAdapter etc…)
- Designing one good application by using Different types of events on components.
Multitasking in JAVA.
- Multitasking
- Introduction to Multitasking and advantages of Multitasking
- Real time examples of Multitasking
- Difference between a Process and Thread
- Importance of multitasking in JAVA
Multi Threading in JAVA.
- Multi Threading
- Introduction to Threads and their importance in JAVA
- Life Cycle of a Thread
- Methods of creating a Thread (by extending a Thread class and by implementing Runnable interface)
- Synchronization in Multi Threading and its importance.
- Deadlock in Threads, disadvantages and the ways to avoid Deadlocks
- Applications and working area of synchronization in real time application
Networking in JAVA.
- Introduction to Networking
- Brief discussion on What is Networking
- The Networking Classes and Interfaces
- Need of Networking in JAVA
- Network Protocols
- Discussion on available network protocols
- Java Specification for available network protocols
- In-detail explanation of TCP and its importance
- Available packages and classes
- Definition of Client and Server
- Client-Server programming using TCP
- In-detail explanation of UDP and its importance
- Available packages and classes
- Client-Server programming using UDP
TCP and UDP Programs
- Programs using TCP and UDP
- Multi-client chat application using TCP & UDP.
Java Beans
- Introduction
- What Is a Java Bean?
- Advantages of Java Bea
- Introspection
- The Java Beans API
- A Bean Example
Introduction to various databases
- Introduction
- Discussion about File system in Operating System
- Disadvantages of storing enterprise data in Files
- Oracle10g Database
- Discussion about Oracle Database, versions and importance in JAVA
- Installation of recent Oracle version
- Performing CRUD operations using SQL command prompt
- Performing CRUD operations using Oracle GUI
- MySql Database
- Discussion about MySql Database
- Installation of recent version
- Performing CRUD operations using command prompt/GUI
- Access & Excel Database
- Discussion about Access & Excel Database and importance in JAVA
- Creating Data Base and Performing CRUD operations.
JAVA with database
JDBC Specification
- Introduction to JDBC Specification, need and importance of JDBC API
- JDBC versions (2.0, 3.0,4.0 & 4.3) features.
- Classes and interfaces available in JDBC
- Steps involved in writing a JDBC program
- Driver class name
- Connection url
- Relevant programs
Type 2 & 3 JDBC Drivers
- Type 2 Java to Native API
- Driver class name
- Connection url
- Relevant programs
- Type 3 Java to Network Protocol or All- Java Driver
- Driver class name
- Connection url
- Relevant programs
Type 4 Driver and Classes and Interfaces
- Type 4 Java to Database Protocol (Native –protocol pure Java driver)
- Driver class name
- Connection url
- Relevant programs
- In detail about Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet MetaData etc…
- Programs to perform CRUD operations from a Java program
Programs of MySql Database, Access & Excel Database, Oracle10g Database
- Some sample applications by using Swings and JDBC
Web Technologies
- Introduction to Web designing
- Working with all the tags
- JavaScript & CSS3 Introduction
Java Script
- Validations using JavaScript & form submission using JS
- Validations using HTML5
- Example Programs
Introduction to POJO classes
- Introduction to POJO’s
- Structure of POJO classes
- Uses of POJO class and advantage of POJO
Introduction of Servlet
- History before Servlets
- Introduction to Servlets and advantages over earlier technologies
- The Life Cycle of a Servlet
Tomcat Server and web Application Deploying
- Tomcat Server for Servlet Development
- A Simple Servlet
- Create and Compile the Servlet Source Code
The Servlet API
- The javax.servlet Package
- Types of Servlets (Generic and Http) and hierarchy
- Differences between protocol dependent and protocol independent servlets
- Working with Servlets (Developing and Deploying)
Working with JSP.
- Introduction
- Advantages of JSP over Servlets
- Life Cycle of JSP
- Directives
- Scripting Elements
- Implicit objects in JSP (request, response, out, session etc…)
- Tag hierarchy and usage of all the tags
Introduction of Session Tracking in Servlets & JSP
- Session tracking
- UseBean tags
- Error handling with JSP
- JSP with JDBC
- MVC Architecture I-II
- Application with JSP & POJO classes
MSR EDUSOFT PVT. LTD. ( Software Trainings and Academic Projects)
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